Rene de Barr
CBT Psychotherapist and Trainee Counselling Psychologist
My aim is for you to have an experience in therapy where you feel understood, are shown empathy and given attention, acceptance and encouragement.
From here, I work with my clients to gain an understanding of themselves, their problems, needs and wants. Using a range of evidence based psychotherapeutic techniques, I then begin to help clients find ways to move beyond feelings of fear and pain, to a place that feels free, safe, calm and content.
Our mental health often impacts on different areas of our life, such as eating and sleep patterns, other day to day functioning and substance use. It can also impact on our different social relationships. In therapy, we also look at how we can make improvements in these areas of your life.
As a CBT therapist, I work with people who have general anxieties and worries, to more specific anxiety disorders and phobias. I also work with many people who been visited by anxieties close friend – depression. Furthermore, I work with those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress reactions, struggling to adjust to the way life may have changed for them, and other stressful situations. Beyond this, I find it useful to also work with clients on the ‘bigger picture’, helping them find what is important to then, and what would make life more meaningful.
I have seven years’ experience working in mental health, and four years clinical experience. I have worked in both private and NHS services. In addition, I have conducted psychological research in areas involving Compassion, shame and stigma, sex, sexuality, gender and relationships.