iRise Psychology currently offers three therapeutic groups. These are our Mindfulness Group, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Group and the Social Anxiety Group. Each group therapy course operates with between eight and ten attendees. To register interest in group therapy please use the form provided below or on the contact us page and one of our clinicians will contact you for a provisional discussion.

Our Team of Clinicians: All work undertaken by iRise Psychological Service is supervised in-house by our clinical service managers, who are Counselling Psychologists. We are a team of Counselling Psychologists and are chartered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). We have therapists who have specific training in group psychology.

  • Mindfulness

    Our mindfulness meditation based stress reduction program runs over eight consecutive weeks. Mindfulness is a mind-body approach to well-being that can help you to change the way you think about experiences and reduce stress and anxiety. If you are interested please see our brochure: Peace of Mind – iRise Mindfulness Group.

  • OCD

    Our fifteen-week OCD programme aims to integrate the benefits of being in a group, with others who have similar experiences, with the benefits of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is an evidenced based treatment. CBT is the preferred psychological treatment for OCD as recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines. This programme is active and structured, which will require you to allow time between group sessions to work on tasks set. Working alongside other people who have a diagnosis of OCD will help you to learn more about the condition and to build confidence in you ability to label your own symptoms as OCD during moments of anxiety. Please see our brochure: Peace of Mind – iRise OCD Group.

  • Social Anxiety Group

    In addition, our social anxiety group programme involves both individual therapy sessions and then group contact. This twelve week CBT course allows attendees to learn about what maintains their anxiety and to learn techniques to manage that anxiety. This programme starts with individual sessions and then progresses to group sessions, which enables attendees to challenge fears and put management techniques into practice with exposure to new people, who will have shared experiences. Please see our brochure: Peace of Mind – iRise Social Anxiety Group.

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